The Prayer Life of the Revitalizer
By Lynn Hardaway The leader who desires to revitalize a congregation must develop a prayer life that connects him to the instructive...
Hey Siri, How Can a Church Be Revitalized?
By Dr. Donald Lynn Hardaway Revitalizing a congregation or a business is not a task to be tackled alone. “First, you need a few really...
The Strength of Solitude, Part Two
By Lynn Hardaway Following in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ means taking those few strides away from the pressing needs of family...
Steps Out of Stagnation – Step 5: Confirmations and Synergy
By Lynn Hardaway A sailing ship is “dead in the water” when there are no winds in its sails to make it come alive. Without some kind of...
Steps Out of Stagnation – Step 3: Experiment!
By Lynn Hardaway Now that you have an idea of what God wants you to focus on during this Transformational Cycle, you will want to...
If you want to change something, change your vocabulary
By Lynn Hardaway The word “change” seems to have a built-in bias towards conflict in the minds of many people. Perhaps, because change is...
Improve Your Worship Planning
By Lynn Hardaway You already have systems in place to make the church functional; they may not be formally organized or even verbalized,...
The First Steps Toward Transformation
The Apostle John was stunned to the place of mortal dread when he saw the dazzling vision of Christ standing in the midst of the seven...